Quilt Design Wall - Hunter’s Star

When I was cleaning my sewing room a few days ago, I came across this project and tossed it onto my quilt design wall. I love the fabrics and I’m not sure why I never finished the quilt.

The quilt is from a class I took at the Quilt Festival Houston a few years ago. It is called Hunter’s Star. What I like about this particular Hunter's Star pattern is that it DOES NOT substitute half-square triangles for the diamonds.

Half-Square Triangles vs Y Seams

Most modern Hunter’s Star patterns feature an “easy” technique that uses half-square triangles to create the Hunter’s Star. The drawback to this technique is that you get extra seams through the middle of all the various shapes in this block. To me, those extra seams are distracting.

Traditional Hunter’s Star patterns use full diamond, triangle and trapezoid shapes. The block is traditionally hand-pieced because “Y” seams are difficult on a sewing machine.

Cut parts to the Hunter's Star

An Alternate Technique

When I saw this class on the schedule at the Houston Show that advertised an “Easy-Sew, No 'Y' Seam” Hunter’s Star, I signed up for the class. I remember it was so easy and there was a secret trick that involved a single drop of wash-out glue.

The Problem

So here’s my problem. I misplaced my copy of the pattern. Yep, the whoas of UFO’s. You lose fabrics, misplace parts and yes, even misplace the pattern. I KNOW I’ve seen the magic folder that holds the precious missing pattern here in the house. But, where that folder is, I just don’t know.

It appears that I cut most of the pieces. I also have two blocks made. So, I can probably reverse engineer this one. Still, it would be a whole lot easier to find the pattern.

Quilt Design Wall - Hunter's Star
Two blocks on the quilt design wall

Do you ever lose parts or patterns for your UFO projects?

Until next time,


Serendipity Happens


Wool Quilt Project - Maybe Next Christmas