Sometimes You Just Need A Break

It’s been awhile. As you know, I took a break for a bit. I didn’t intend for my break to be this long but once it extended closer to Thanksgiving, I thought I’d just rest until after the holiday weekend.

2020 - The Year of Disappointment

We've all been here and I know I'm not alone. One of the things I was struggling with most recently was disappointment over all the trips I didn’t take. The last of my cancellations came in November and, quite frankly, I was really feeling the disappointment. It just hit me. Feeling the loss of not seeing family and friends. Not making new friends. And, not seeing places I wanted to see. 2020 kinda sucks.

My Break

I didn't completely waste my break. Most of my time was spent organizing my house and decorating for the holidays. I started early this year for basically two reasons. One, why not? It’s 2020 after all. And two, my cousin was available to assist with bringing my tree in the house from storage. Sometimes you just need a little help.

Surprisingly, I did not spend a lot of time quilting. Not on my long arm or in my sewing room. I guess I needed more of a break than I thought. It’s ok to take a break from time to time. Sometimes you need to take it easy and not put so much pressure on yourself.

My Writing

To help with my writing, I took some time to work out topics through the end of the year. I also did some searching for prompts and other inspiration. I found it helpful to have a bit of a map for where I want to go with my blog. Not saying I'll follow the plan exactly, but hopefully the aides will keep me from running completely dry.

My Long Arm

And, during my break, I discovered SusieQ's computer needed some updating. During the install, I experienced a “Windows saving error”. This contributed to my whoas-me attitude. The error confused SusieQ terribly. Apparently, she isn’t enjoying 2020 either. A call to Gammill took care of the issue rather quickly. I don’t know why I let myself fret so much over it. The support at Gammill is amazing so there really is no reason to fret at all.

My Artwork

The main thing I did do during my break was to start working through the book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. I’m feeling artistically constipated. Seriously, there is no other way to describe it. I’ve been trying to start a habit of drawing everyday. I also want to create more watercolor paintings. But I’m stalled.

The weird part is that when I do paint or draw, I’m quite satisfied with the results. You would think that having success would lead to more work. But, I’m blocked. So, I decided to start working the exercises in Artist’s Way. I’m working on Week 3 right now. I haven’t started drawing, but I am back to writing. And quilting too. I started with bindings. There are always bindings to work on.

So, this is where I’m at right now. Do you ever need a break?? What do you do to rejuvinate?


State of My Sewing Room - Before


Nothing "SMART" About It