State of My Sewing Room - Before

Moving my tree into the house means rearranging the furniture a bit. In my case, that means moving one of my chairs to the sewing room. After that, things got a little messy.

I’m sharing my before picture. As you can see, there is no reason for anyone to feel bad about the state of their sewing room/area. Mine is a total mess.

When I attempted to move the chair into the room, I ran into a problem. I discovered the chair is too wide for the doorway. My brilliant cousin Kathy resolved that problem. She surmised that since it is a recliner, placing it on it’s side and extending it would stretch the chair to be long and thin. Yep, she’s brilliant. It worked like a charm.

As I decorated for Christmas, things kept getting moved around. And, the piles developed almost like magic in the room. They literally grew overnight. While I was sleeping no less. How does that happen?

Most of the piles are pillows and projects that need bindings. Oops, well, I guess my family now knows what they’re getting for Christmas this year. Anyway, there are a few other projects on the worktable and daybed, too.

So, now I’m straightening things up and getting ready to get quilting and sewing again. I’ll share the results tomorrow.

What is the state of your sewing room/space?


State of My Sewing Room - After


Sometimes You Just Need A Break